Guest post written by: Andrea Scott
The cost of prescription drugs has bankrupted millions of families around the world. Whether certain medications aren't covered by insurance or come with a super high deductible, finding a way to cut down the price of a prescription is a must for some people. If you find your self amount those who are consistently reliant on prescription drugs, then you are probably looking for a way to save money. Thankfully, some apps have been designed to help you and everyone else looking to save money at the pharmacy. Using these apps, it is possible to find drug discount cards that can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year if you find the right discounts. However, not all of these prescription drug discount apps are created equal, and it can take days to sort through them all. If you are looking to save a little time, read these three tips for finding the best prescription drug discount card apps.
3 Tips for Finding Prescription Drug Discount Cards
Easy to use Discounts
The medical industry is filled with complex terms and complicated legal forms. Unfortunately, drug discount cards aren't any different. Many discounts can come with complicated if-then statements. Other become invalid if they are used with insurance or aren't purchased for a certain quantity. For someone who hasn't spent years of their life studying medicine or insurance law, trying to use some compounds can be time-consuming and frustrating. To avoid all of the frustration and wasted time, look for an app that provides you with simple to use discount cards. 5% off every time you go to the pharmacy is a lot better than a 50% discount you can never use because some of the qualifications don't match up.
Accessible Information
A good discount card finder app won't just provide you with easy to use discounts. Look for an app that provides you with additional information on the prescription and price points of the drug you are taking. Along with information on the medication, and detailed instructions on how to use the card should be provided as well. By following the instructions on the card, you should easily be able to see if you qualify for the discounts available or not. For additional simplicity, look for an app that offers scannable discount cards. Then have your pharmacist scan your phone and watch the savings instantly appear on the register.
While searching for a few good examples of the best discount carder finder apps, I came across this well-constructed list. The list includes some good examples of simple to use apps that provide a plethora of useful information that will make your next trip to get your prescription refilled much easier and cheaper too.

Senior Discounts
Old age doesn't only bring wisdom; it comes with a heaping pile of discounts as well. Navigating the best way to use medicare in addition to discount cards can take quite a bit of juggling. Thankfully, if you find the right app, it should do all of the jugglings for you. If you qualify for senior citizen discounts, look for an app that specializes in finding deals for the more seasoned of Americans. These apps should provide you not only with discount cards, but organizations such as AARP or NARCUP as well. By comparing several different options you can be sure you or your loved one is getting the care they need at the best price possible.

Keeping these tips in mind you are ready to start your search for the best prescription drug discount card apps out there. Don't forget to check out the discount app link above for a head start on your search.
Photos are from Pixabay.