I received this Kira Kira Crate for review purposes.
Hooray! It's the time to review a makeup box. The last time I did that was back in 2017 I think? And I only reviewed it on my Youtube channel. If you're curious you can still find it here.
But today I have a special treat - A Japan-based subscription box full of Japanese cosmetics.
I know that No Make No Life does that but I wasn't a fan of it. It felt a bit odd and I didn't really enjoy the products I got.
But let's see what does Kira Kira Crate promise:
A monthly care kit of Japanese beauty products to bring out your beautiful best.
- A new experience each month with products tailored to transform your skin, hair & body
- 5-6 beauty items from Japan
- A magazine with translations & new routines
I didn't know when to expect my Box but I got it somewhere at the beginning of August.
This month theme was inspired by the Festive and firework season in Japan. What' a cute idea!

I enjoy opening subscription boxes (and orders I forgot I've made) because it feels like I'm getting a gift. And we all love gifts!
Japanese beauty is all about caring from within, improving your outward appearance. Japan has been mastering the secret to looking & feeling young for centuries by healing, protecting and improving the body with gentle, high-quality products. We like to think it’s one of the reasons they have such a high life expectancy.
In the box I received:
- A lip mask
- Eye gloss (cream eyeshadow)
- Hydrating lotion (serum for us)
- Face Puff
- Brown eyeliner
- A pamphlet with instructions on how to use everything

Kira Kira Crate will bring a monthly routine of Japanese beauty secrets to your door. With full product translations, tutorials & monthly themes you’ll be able to adapt the products from a Kira Kira box to your daily routine.
The first product that got my attention was this hydrating lotion. I'vee been thinking about repurchasing my beloved Kikumatsamune lotion and because I got this one instead, I'll use it first.
I've been using this serum for a couple of days and it feels very hydrating - like our hyaluronic acid serums. So far I'm enjoying it as it's lightweight and gets absorbed quickly into the skin.
The only thing I'm missing is a nice scent as it has none. But most people would find that to be a plus rather than a minus.

This was a fun experience. I've tried it while on vacation while I've been feeling quite sick. I needed a small pick me up and a lip mask seemed to be a perfect idea. It smells like a banana dipped in chocolate but the scent is pretty subtle so it doesn't feel overpowering while wearing it.
I enjoyed the feeling of it on my lips (cool) and my dear was having fun because I couldn't talk. It was a win-win situation. :D
Anyway, I thought this way brilliant and way superior to "ours" lip masks that we can get in my country at the drugstore.

Treat yourself with Kira Kira crate, and experience beauty & health like never before.
This was something that scared me and intrigued me at the same time. It's a puff mean for lotion application but somehow I messed it up and thought it was for sweat.
But luckily I didn't use it for that but for what's intended for. It's made of a soft puff (like the ones you get in powder foundations) which softens with water. After it's wet you add some lotion to it and pat it on your face. I'm not that gentle on my skin, so it was a bit of an off-putting experience. But still, I used way more lotion that I'd normally do as I usually apply lotions with my hands. I am not a fan of it.

This is a brown eyeliner with a brush tip. It's easy to use, mildly pigmented and works well. It isn't waterproof and it didn't survive a whole day of heat and doing touristy stuff. But it did survive enough that I still had some left at the end of the day - just my wings were gone. And that is something that happens now. It's new but it is what it is (I need a new eye primer). I enjoy it and will keep on using it as it's a really basic eyeliner but does its job well.

I've had high hopes for this eyeshadow. I thought this would be my "one up and over" eyeshadow. One that I'd just put on at the beginning of the day and remove it at the end. Sadly it wasn't like that.
The colour is beautiful and it swatches amazingly but only on my hands.
On my eyes it was a completely different story - I couldn't get the colour nicely applied as I only got some glitter on my eyelids. And after a bit of trying and finally achieving some sort of success with the application, it started to burn. Ouch! I managed through the sensation and hoped for the best. Sadly it still didn't survive my day (even with an eye primer!). After a couple of days I tried it again, this time with better success than the first time. I managed to get it nicely on my eyelids (patting seems to do the trick), and it dried in a couple of minutes. It was fine. But sadly it is darker than it looks in pictures and it doesn't last long enough on me as I have hooded oily eyelids.


I had no expectations for this box but I'm happy that I got it. And I think it's worth the price since for 29$ (with free shipping!) you get up to 6 Japanese beauty products. All full-sized which will be something that some people will like while some probably won't. I mean, what do you do with a full-sized product if you really hate it? Hah, I know, right?
But at the same time, it's a great value and it feels like opening a new box full of gifts each month.
For me, it would probably get old really fast as I don't like keeping lots of products laying around, but I like the idea.
I enjoyed most of the products in this box, which is really rare. I still don't know if I'll ever use the puff, but the eyeliner and the lotion are something that I'm happy to use.
Overall I liked the experience and the products received.
What do you think? Are you a fan of subscription boxes?