What is this little thing that I'm holding, you may ask? It's a magnetic eyeshadow by LOV Cosmetics that has been hidden in my drawer for a while. I think since December. And December is a long time ago.
I've taken it out only now because I thought that I should at least give it a try. It looked fun and the color is just perfect for my daily makeup as I like to spice up things from time to time.
Okay, let's see what it does and how long it stays on me. :)
LOV Eyettraction - METALfusion Magnetic Eyeshadow
LOV is sensational yet revolutionary. A secret alchemy, an irresistible attraction.It is EYEttraction Magnetic Loose Eyeshadow that sets new standards. An incredible velvety soft texture, which is kept together magnetically: the texture always moves back into its original design.You only need to choose between a dry application for sophisticated metal eyes or a wet application for a mesmerizing metal foil finish. However, no matter what your choice will be: your eye makeup will be stunning!
The description is amazing - it makes me want to use it right away! But since I have really oily eyelids that now just won't work with any eyeshadow primer, I had to see for myself.

Eyeshadows usually crease on me after 3-4 hours. With a primer. I need a new primer, that too. But for now I'm using up what I have and they crease after that many hours. It sucks but it is what it is.
I wanted to see how long it would last on me. I mean, it's a loose eyeshadow and with a pretty velvety texture too. It is bound to get creased, no?

The eyeshadow comes in a little glass pot that feels luxurious. It is very pretty and once you open it up, you can see the ridges that are made by the magnet underneath.
Once you press your finger in it, you can see that it's actually a loose eyeshadow. It moves as you swirl your finger, but it stays always on the same spot. I mean, the upper layer moves, but the lower layers stay fixed and the texture (ridges) is always there.

The texture even transferred to my finger. But it didn't transfer on my hand when I did a dry swatch.
L.O.V tip: the eyeshadow can also be applied on the lips using a moist brush for an unique metallic effect, which can be further intensified with a touch of lipgloss. So not only your eyes look sensational, so do your lips!

Mine is a really pretty color - METALfusion which is a taupe deep brown that reminds me of chocolate. If it were foiled that's it.
It looks really sparkly when used dry and when used wet it has a foiled look. I like both, but prefer the dry look for the sparkles.

The only thing you have to think about when applying EYEttraction Magnetic Loose Eyeshadow is the effect you would like to create. For an expressive metallic effect and a perfectly staged eye makeup, use a dry applicator. To achieve an unique foil effect use a wet applicator.
The first day I applied it dry. I loved how sparkly it looked on my eyes! It made me feel pretty and feminine. But sadly after I got home (about 5 hours later) the eyeshadow creased on me.
A bit of that was my eyeshadow primer (lame it doesn't work as it's supposed to anymore - I have Avon Mark. Eyeshadow primer which worked fine and now that it's at its end, it just sucks) and a part of it goes to my oily eyelids. They are very oily. And hooded. A nice combination when it comes to finding the perfect eyeshadow that won't crease. Yay me, I'm so "lucky" :D.

The second day I wanted to try it wet. I used MAC Fix It setting spray to wet my brush and went to town. I did my regular makeup before it - a tad of nude eyeshadow, a tad of brown in the crease, a tad of warm, deep brown in the outer corner. And then I applied the magnetic eyeshadow all over my eyelids. It went as expected - I used too much of it. I had to wipe it off a bit with a brush because it's so easy to overdo it.
But! But after 4 hours it didn't crease. It didn't crease even after 6 hours. Actually, it survived my whole day! I was super impressed. I mean, that didn't happen in a long, long time.
Excuse the messy eyebrows - I took a 2- hour nap before taking these pictures. My eyebrows didn't survive, but my eye makeup did.

So far I'm really impressed - I only wish LOV would be still available in our stores.
+ This is some seriously longlasting eyeshadow
+ It looks cool and the pot feels luxurious
+ I like the color range
+ can be used wet or dry
+ can be used on your lips
- Can't be bought in stores (maybe in Germany)
- Pricey (10€ for one / 7€ when on sale)

I'm really happy with this eyeshadow. I now only wish that all of my eyeshadows would last this long on me.
Have you tried any of the LOV eyeshadows? How did you like them?