I remember, back in October I was asked if there are no "fun" septum piercings? It was because I was wearing a plain circular barbell, just so it was easy to hide and heal.
And you know what? The answer to that question is YES. There are many, many different septum piercings out there. I prefer clickers, just because they are easy to put on and wear. The best part is the fact that septums are one of the most fun piercings to play with ;). Also, new designs of these piercings are coming out on the weekly!
I was sent a couple of pretties from Karma se7en, which I did choose myself. Check out my pictures and what I thought about them.
I did choose these lovelies, just because I always wanted to try more "fun" Septums. And these truly look like fun ones ;).
Acerose Filigree Septum Clicker Ring
A septum clicker that I found to be looking very interesting. It's one of those that I had to try.
It feels nice and comfortable and on that matter, there's nothing to add. It's 8mm in diameter and has a 6mm long hinge closure. Super easy to put on (and to take off, I just use a pencil, to get the hinge to open, since I can't stick my fingers in my nose). Overall, I'd say it's a fun and bold clicker. You can find it here.
I had to have it just because it has opals in it (synthetic). It's interestingly shaped, looks super fun and I could see myself wearing it just for fun. Not a piercing I would wear on the daily, but my visible clickers are all reserved for weekends ;). It is very comfortable and sits nicely in my septum. This one is also sized at 8mm diameter. You can find it here.
I am a huge fan of everything rose gold. It's the perfect gold that suits my skin tone perfectly (looks like it's made for my skin, you know..). This one is delicately shaped, like a flower. I wore it in an outfit photo shoot, here.
I love it and I wear it regularly. Maybe less than I could, but I definitely like it a lot. It is also 8mm in diameter and you can find it here.
Elegant Opal Septum Clicker Ring
This happens to be a septum clicker that I wore for the very first time for this post. I was super excited that I finally found a very snugly fitting clicker. It sits just a mm away from my skin. Anyway, I went to sleep with it and woke up with my nose being a bit sore. Whoops, maybe it's a bit too snug. I took it off and all was fine. So I wouldn't wear it to sleep, just for a couple of hours. You know, just like you switch earrings ;). This one is also supposed to be 8mm in diameter, but it feels more like 6mm. I don't know? Anyway, you can find it here.
I am so happy that I got my septum pierced. I love all my septum clickers because there's no fuss with removing balls or me losing them because in the last 4 months I lost about 30 balls... while trying to get them on my septum piercing. Because of this, I totally prefer clickers. They make a small "click" that is very satisfying to hear. This way you also know once it is secure. Fun fun piercings!
I do recommend Karma Se7en for their piercings since they work really hard to make their customers happy.
This product was sent to me by the company itself or its PR. For more information, please do read my Disclosure Policy. My opinion is always honest.