Danes bom pisala o nekaj izdelkih Dvorca Trebnik, ki se po novem kličejo DT - ime je sedaj bolj mladostno in tudi design njihovih embalaž je prenovljen in lep za pogledat.
V testiranje sem prejela dva izdelka iz te linije (šampon in gel za prhanje), na BBMULJ 2015 pa sem dobila tudi kremo za roke.
Today I'll talk about a Slovenian brand - Dvorec Trebnik that has a line called DT. It's a younger line with great properties and I really do like the new design of the packagings.
I got two products from the Funky Coconut line to test and one I got on BBMULJ 2015, which is a hand cream. What do I think of them? read on :).
Zelo mi je všeč prenovljena embalaža, takšna simpatična je. Sploh opica je super luštna in res mi je všeč, da je na vsakem pakiranju druačna opica :). Doda tak poseben občutek, da so se res potrudili pri izdelavi.
Novo DT linijo odlikuje predvsem to, da:
- je brez parabenov
- je brez GMO (genetsko spremenjenih organizmov)
- je brez barvil
- je brez mineralnih olj
- vsebuje sestavine naravnega izvora
- je bogata z rastlinskimi izvlečki in naravnimi olji
I really like the new packaging design. It's super cute! I especially like the monkey and the fact that there is a different design on each bottle. It gives it a nice touch. Like they really care about their design. Yay!
The new DT line excels because:
- it has no parabens
- has no GMO
- has no colorants
- has no mineral oils
- contains ingredients of natural origin
- it is rich in plant extracts and natural oils
DT Funky Coconut Shower gel - (2,99€)
Negovalni gel za tuširanje z eksotičnim vonjem kokosa kožo nežno očisti in jo prijetno nadišavi. Obogaten je s kokosovim oljem, ki kožo zaščiti in jo neguje. Primerno za vse vrste kože. (200ml)
Nourishing shower gel with exotic, scent of coconut gently cleanses skin and leaves it delightfully fragrant. Enriched with coconut oil which protects and nourishes the skin. Suitable for all skin types. (200 ml)
INCI: Aqua, Sodium Coco-Sulfate, Coco-Glucoside, Sodium Chloride, Glyceryl Oleate, Lauryl Glucoside, Stearyl Citrate, Parfum, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Coumarin.
Gel za prhanje nima barve, se pa lepo peni. Sedaj pa ... k vonju. Pričakovala sem, da bo dišalo kot kokos, morda kot "umeten" kokos, ampak iskreno, vonj je vse drugo.
Vonj me je vrgel nazaj v čas, ko sem bila mlada in sem ga žurala na veliko. Zakaj? Ker prvi vonj, ki ga lahko zaznam, je vonj po alkoholu in nekem približku kokosa. Skupaj nastane mešanica vonja, ki me kratkomalo spominja na pijačo Malibu (rum z naravnim okusom in vonjem kokosa). Dejansko je zelo zanimivo, da ima zadeva tak vonj, ker nitri ni alkohola.
To se pravi, da se med prhanjem počutim, kot da bi se mazala z Malibujem... Kar mi ni prav nič všeč in hitro pozabim na vse pozitivne lastnosti gela za prhanje. Žal.
The shower gel has no distinguishing color, but it does foam nicely. But now... to the scent.
I was expecting that it will smell like coconut, does or maybe the artificial kind of coconut scent... Well, the scent is everything else than just coconut.
Why? Well, the scent threw me back into the time when I was a "party animal". I was young and I liked to drink Malibu. For all of you who don't know what Malibu is - it's a drink which is made from rum (white?) and coconuts. Yeah.
Well, the Funky Coconut line smells exact like it. Very alcohol-y and somewhat with an "after scent" of some coconuts. I find it interesting because there is no alcohol in the INCI ingredients list.
This means that whenever I take a shower I feel like I am pouring over myself the alcoholic drink and not a should-be-awesome shower gel. Sadly.
DT Funky Coconut Shampoo (Šampon za suhe lase) - (3,49€)
Šampon je obogaten s kokosovim oljem, ki nežno vlaži in ščiti suhe ali poškodovane lase. Vsebuje mikroemulzijo, pšenične proteine in provitamin B5. Mikroemulzija in provitamin B5 globoko vlažita in negujeta lase ter lasišče. Pšenični proteini hranijo in naredijo lase sijoče in zdrave. (200 ml)
The shampoo is enriched with coconut oil which gently moisturizes and protects dry or damaged hair. Contains microemulsion, wheat protein, and provitamin B5. Microemulsion and provitamin B5 deeply penetrates and nurtures the hair and scalp. Wheat protein nourishes and makes hair shiny and healthy. (200 ml)
INCI: Aqua, Sodium Coco-Sulfate, Coco-Glucoside, Sodium Chloride, Lauryl Glucoside, Stearyl Citrate, Parfum, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Panthenol, Dicaprylyl Ether, Decyl Glucoside, Glyceryl Oleate, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Coumarin.
Kaj naj rečem? Tudi tukaj me zmoti vonj. Šampon se sicer lepo peni, sicer ga res porabim malo več, da imam občutek čistih las. Se mi zdi, da je bolj čistilen šampon, ker so moji (sicer suhi in tanki, valoviti) lasje po uporabi "štrenasti" in kar malo zavozlani. Tako, da po uporabi sledi blazam za lase. V bistvu mi sam šampon ni nek presežek, ampak lahko da to mislim samo zato, ker me vonj tako zelo moti.
What to say? The scent is strong with this one too. I try to ignore it since I am using the shampoo on my scalp and not on my face, right? ;) Anyway, I feel like I am using quite a bit of the shampoo to wash my hair even if it does foam nicely.
After the use, my hair is quite dry and stringy, just like when using a cleansing shampoo, so a nice hair balm after use is mandatory.
The shampoo isn't anything special, but it may be just because I can't stand the scent...
DT Funky Coconut Creamy Hand Gel - (4,79€)
Negovalni kremni gel za roke je osnovan na dragocenih oljih in obogaten s toplim eksotičnim vonjem kokosa. Kokosovo olje neguje kožo in jo naredi gladko in prožno. Olje pšeničnih kalčkov vsebuje veliko vitamina E in ščiti pred vremenskimi vplivi. (50 ml)
Nourishing creamy hand gel based on valuable oils and enriched with warm and exotic coconut scent. Coconut oil nourishes skin and makes it smooth and elastic. Wheat germ oil contains high vitamin E and protects against the influence of weather. (50 ml)
INCI: Aqua, Cetearyl Isononanoate, Ceteareth-20, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Glycerin, Ceteareth-12, Cetyl Palmitate, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Polyquaternium-37, Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Lauryl Glucoside, Coco-Caprylate, Triticum Vulgare Germ Oil, Parfum, Benzyl Alcohol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Tocopherol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Coumarin.
Okej, sedaj verjetno vsi veste, da ima celotna linija (losjona za telo in masla za telo sicer nimam), vonj po Malibuju. Ampak (!), pri tej kremi za roke lahko to spregledam. Zakaj? Ker se hitro vpije, hitro se razdiši in res lepo navlaži moje sicer (pozimi) izsušene roke. Ta krema oz gel (tekstura je nekaj vmes) se krasno maže in je nekaj najboljšega, kar se je zgodilo mojim rokam.
Kapo dol za to zadevico! Žal je edino cena kar zasoljena, tudi lonček marsikomu ne bo všeč (nekaj o higieničnosti, ampak jaz imam rada lončke), mene pa vse to zelo premami in mi "sede".
Sama sem že čisto pri koncu moje kremice za roke, ampak vem, da si bom omislila še kakšno, in upam, da bo tudi naslednja tako dobra, kot je ta. Morda z boljšim vonjem, kot spominom na žurerska leta ;).
Okay, now you probably know that the whole line (at least the products I have) has this Malibu-like scent. But (!) with this hand cream/gel I can easily get over it. Why?
Because it's genius. It spreads easily, quickly absorbs into the skin, leaves no film behind and nourishes my hands nicely. The scent also vanishes quickly. I love it and I can't live without it! The only downside is the price. It's perfect and I can't wait to try other scents and hopefully they will be better than this one, but keep the awesome properties.
Njihovo linijo si lahko pogledate tukaj.
You can check the Funky Coconut line here.
Kaj pa ve? Imate kaj iz Kokosove linije? Kaj menite o vonju in izdelkih?
Izdelki so mi bili poslani v test od podjetja oz njihovega PR. Moje mnenje je vedno iskreno.
This product was sent to me by the company itself or its PR. For more information, please do read my Disclosure Policy. My opinion is always honest.