Hello, ladies!
I finally managed to write this post. I mean, I would totally start it sooner, but I was waiting for a prettier/more functioning gallery. Now everything is fixed, so I can share my thoughts about the FIRST Slovenian Bloggers Conference.
The first Beautiful Conference was organised by the lovely Nika Veger from the BeautifullBlog.
She did an amazing job at organizing something so huge, expensive and time-consuming!
I joined the first part of the event because later that day I had to pick up my kid from Kindergarten (he was very excited to see me). The conference itself ended at about 8 pm when all the ladies left.
We had a blast and I hope something similar will be organised in the following years.
Even if I was at the conference for 6 hours, I had the feeling that I'm there for only half an hour. The lectures were very helpful and enlighting.
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But let us start from the beginning
More than two months ago (or a little bit less), we could buy the ticket to the event. There were prepared 50 tickets which sold out even before the conference started. The ticket was priced at 25€ (presale), which doesn't seem that much for such a huge event. And not to mention educational.
The number of my ticket was 20 and I only bought it after a week of having the option of buying it. These little tickets were “hot stuff” and everyone wanted them.
In my Slovenian post, I added the timetable, but it's in Slovenian so it is of no use in this post. Instead, I'll write how it went ;).
8:15 – Registration and welcome (coffee)
9:00 – Photography Workshop with Ajda Sitar and Domen Blenkuš
11:00 - Blog promotion in Social networks with Matej Špehar
12:30 – Beauty Market (with lots of sponsors)
14:00 – Blog optimization with Jure Doler
16:15 – Afrodita (the story)
We ladies meet at the Hotel Coffee shop before the event. Like, we late? No way!
I almost lost myself on my way there (in the Hotel!), because the Hotel Union is really Grand! HUGE and beautiful.
I can say that the coffee shop offers a nice variety of coffee and I was really happy to learn that my normally over expensive coffee (with rice milk, it's like it's golden or what?), wasn't that expensive, priced at 2.10€.
I also want to apologise for the bad photos of the event, I took most of them with my phone (which I learned that doesn't have an amazing camera, haha). I totally forgot to take my camera out and take any decent pictures. Whoops D:
Right after we finished our coffee, we went to the registration where each one of us got a beautiful “medal” with our names and blog written on it. The best part was the mirror under the writing. I totally checked my lipstick in it during the whole event ;). Very useful!
Also, the medals helped us to recognise (put a name to a face) each other. Oh some of us went totally overboard with them – like saying hello to other ladies, grabbing their medals to check their blog and going “oooh, so this is you!”.
After all the formalities were done, it was time for a welcome drink. Which was coffee or tea. I went with coffee because I knew I'd need it. The catering was wonderful, our coffee was served by a very kind waiter who gladly helped us with our request. And the best part? They had soy and rice milk! After the cup of coffee, I could start thinking straight. Yeah, let's do this!
“The room was packed with energy, chit chat and hellos. Ohhh, so this is you? I imagined you differently! Oh yes, selfies do make wonders, especially with a bad camera :D.”
It was time for the first lecture. On the stage came Ajda and Domen.
I was really excited about this part because I'll admit, my photography got worse and worse as years passed by. I really wanted to learn how to make better photos, so my readers can have some eye candy in each post, too. The lecture was VERY instructive and I learned a lot. The practical part of the lecture helped even more. Together we put a composition together (which was supposed to be easy and nice on the eyes and show products well at the same time). Here are mine and I think they are quite nice, for the first time.
Then it was time for a short break so we could refresh ourselves and also replenish some of the energy lost with a healthy smoothie. Of course, I picked my smoothie in a hurry – I picked the only one that had yoghurt in it because it was green and it looked healthy. AH. I sadly didn't drink it, because my of skin – why? Read here. But I did taste it and I can say it was delicious!
After the break, we had a long lecture about social media, with the focus on Facebook. The instructor was Matej Špehar, about whom I heard for the first time. I'm obviously outdated (but not anymore, haha!). The lecture was very enlightening and I can't wait to use the learned tricks and tips on my blog. I wrote down everything, so I don't forget all the new knowledge.
After the lecture, we could hear the buzz from the other room. The beauty market was open!! Wohoooo, I was SO excited! This meant that the girls had a chance to mingle between sponsors and get to know them better. I was in between them and I can say I had a blast. All the ladies were super nice and took their job of letting us know about the new products, seriously.
Two hours passed by so quickly, I didn't even realise it. I'm sorry that I didn't manage to check the new brand on our market – YoungBlood and that I didn't say hello to my sponsors – Oriflame. Well, it'll be for the next time, right?
I left the beauty market with many new contacts and a huge wish list.
After the Beauty Market, there were two other lectures, but I sadly had to say goodbye. Here's what the other ladies said about the event.
Lepotna Blogerska Konferenca Skozi Oči Instagrama - Etiketa Magazin.
1. Konferenca Lepotnih Blogerk - Failed Beautification
1. Blogerska Konferenca (Beautifull Bloggers MeetUp) - Sarah's Blog
Video o 1. Konferenci Lepotnih Blogerk - Parokeets
Zelo hvaležna objava o Konferenci - Sugarlove Blog
Odpiranje BBMU daril (video) - Parokeets
Sunday's Chit Chat Random Favorites - Sparkle with laughter
Prva lepotna blogerska konferenca - Beauty of a Lemon
Beautiful Bloggers MeetUp - LUNX.X
1. Konferenca lepotnih blogerk v Sloveniji - Ajda & Tjaša's Beauty Blog
Top 5 moments from the 1st Beautiful Bloggers Meetup - Low Maintenance Beauty
1. konferenca lepotnih blogerk - Parokeets
Short Video - Jessie Fairytale
Kako je bilo na prvi konferenci lepotnih blogerk? - Charm of Beauty
Beautiful Bloggers Meetup konferenca - Hysteria of Decay
#BBMULJ 1. slovenska lepotna blogerska konferenca - Mateji Ustvarjata
1. Blogerska lepotna konferenca - Viva la Vida Blog
1. Blogerska lepotna konferenca - Viva la Vida Blog
Just before I left, I got a bunch of bags. How many? So many, that I asked the lady that gave them all ot me, if she's joking. She looked a bit concerned when she saw me this loaded with bags. Yes, they were extremely heavy. I wasn't expecting that. But sometimes the life of a beauty blogger is hard. Literally. ;)
I had a hard time getting to the rail station (where I missed my train and I had to wait for another hour before catching the next one). In the meantime, I had the time to check the goodies we got. Everyone around me was also curious what's in the bags. I included.
At home it was time to open the bags and see what's inside. Are you also curious?
I added the photos of the products in a mini gallery, but beware – there are many of them. While I was taking pictures I remembered some tips for taking better photos which I tried to follow later on. Sadly the photo taking took a lot of time and the beautiful natural light I had before vanished. That's why some of the pictures are badly lighted. But I'll keep that in mind while taking new ones.
I would like to thank all the girls for the chat and company. I hope we'll get together soon and go grab a coffee or something similar. I am also grateful for the PR goodies.
P.S. The main sponsor was Afrodita Cosmetics, Hotel Union lent the place.
On the beauty market there were: L'Occitane, Lassana, Zlatarna Celje, Dvorec Trebnik, Alessandro, AlpStories, Avon, Clarisonic, Curaprox, YoungBlood, Le Couvent Des Minimes, Melvita, Oriflame, Philips, Vichy
+ Extra PR goodies were given by: Aussie, Catrice, CD, Click2Chic, essence, Catrice, Eucerin, GoldenRose, Labello, LaRochePosay, Ličila.si, Nivea, Paul Mitchel, Restart, Nula, Smile Concept Store in Adriamedia/ Cosmopolitan.