It's been a long time since I was sent these goodies for review purposes. I think that Summer was only beginning and I had to find the time to test them properly.
I was able to choose what I wanted to test myself, which was lovely.
Minilo je že kar nekaj časa odkar so mi poslali Oriflame izdelke za recenzijo. Mislim, da se je poletje komaj začelo in sem morala najti pravi čas za testiranje vseh teh dobrot.
Všeč mi je, ker sem lahko sama izbirala, kaj naj mi pošljejo.
I picked up:
Oriflame HairX Volume boost Dry Shampoo (~9,90€ / is sometimes on sale for half off)
Oriflame White Tip Nail polish (8,99€)
Oriflame The One Nail Shield Base Coat (7,49€ /is sometimes on sale )
Oriflame The One Nail Food (7,49€ /is sometimes on sale )
Oriflame The One Lip Spa nourishing lip balm (7,49€)
Izbrala sem si:
The ONE LipSPA negovalni balzam
The ONE lak za nohte za izris belih konic
The ONE lak za nohte za izris belih konic
The ONE zaščitni lak za nohte
The ONE hranilni premaz za nohte
HairX Volume Boost suhi šampon za volumen
More after the jump...
Preberite več,...
The White Tip nail polish is perfect for a nice French Manicure because it's greatly pigmented and it dries fast. The brush is nice and firm enough (but not hard, actually I was impressed by their brushes). But whenever I tried using it as a base color for my whole nail, it felt like I was putting on the edgins paper correcting stuff. It's perfect for a French manicure but not that much for a full manicure. But it works well as a stamping polish!
Lak za Izris Belih Konic je popoln za Francosko Manikuro, ker je zelo pigmentiran in se zelo hitro posuši. Čopič je čvrst in dovolj trd (ampak ne preveč trd, ravno prav). Ampak vsakič, ko sem uporabila lak, kot podlago manikuram (čez cel noht), se mi je zdelo kakor da nanašam belilo za papir na nohte. Mislim, super je za french manikuro, ampak ne za celoten noht - še vseeno pa super deluje za štempljanje.
I talked about The One Nail Shield before, which was here. I am honestly impressed. It dries quickly and forms this harder shield on my nails that is keeping them safe from breakage. It's seriously genius. Also, my manicures last a lot longer with it. Wonderful! The price is a bit steep (for my likings), but it is on sale here and there for 4,49€.
Govorila sem že o Zaščitnem Laku za Nohte (tukaj, ANG verzija). Iskreno sem navdušena. Hitro se posuši in ustvari trdo zaščitno plast na nohtih, ki jim pomaga da se ne polomijo tako hitro. Resnično je genialna zadeva! Všeč mi je, ker so moje manikure tudi veliko bolj obstojne z njim. Cena je sicer zasoljena (za moje okuse), ampak če ne drugega je v akciji tu in tam za manj kot 4,50€.
The One Nail Food is a special blend of oils that helps your nails get stronger and at the best they can be. I was kind of sceptic at first, because I don't have ultra strong nails (or thick) so I really shouldn't be using oils all that much. But this blend is different, it caters toward thin and brittle nails that like to break a lot. But I did notice that after a longer use (during hot Summer days) my nails looked the best they ever have been. Any my cuticles were happy too. I like using it whenever I am finishing a manicure. The oil has no real scent, but my nails perfect it to jojoba or olive oil. So it's here to stay ;).
Hranilni Premaz Za Nohte je posebna mešanica olj, ki pomagajo nohtom da postanejo bolj močni in sploh v najboljšem stanju kar so lahko. Sama imam suhe nohte, ki se zelo radi lomijo, zato niti ne smem uporabljati klasičnih olj, ker tanjšajo noht (oz beljakovinske vezi). Toda to olje je namenjeno ravno takšnim nohtom kot jih imam jaz. Opazila sem, da so moji nohti po daljši uporabi dejansko boljši. Izgledajo bolj zdravo, trdno in tudi obnohtna kožica je vesela. Najraje uporabljam ta izdelek, ko končujem manikuro. Nanesem na obnohtno kožico in vmasiram. Olje sicer nima nekega vonja, ampak mojim nohtom veliko bolj odgovarja kakor samo jojobino olje ali olivno olje. To je izdelek, ki bo pri meni v redni uporabi še naprej ;).
This is a product I was really excited about! It's The One Nourishing LipSpa and I was using it daily. I used it up in a month a half of daily use.
The first thing I noticed was the weight - it is extra light and doesn't stand on its own (I used some sticky paste for this photo). That isn't an issue perse, but it gives the package a cheap feeling. And since it's priced at almost 8€ it's not a cheap product. So the design isn't great or good, but let's talk about the product inside. I was sent this base balm, which smells like strawberries and is quite nourishing. It's not very moisturizing, because, after two weeks of use, my lips wanted something more hydrating. This product didn't leave me impressed, sadly.
To je izdelek, ki sem ga najbolj pričakovala. The One negovalni balzam za ustnice je izdelek, ki sem ga uporabljala dnevno. Porabila sem ga v mesecu in pol (kar niti ni tako slabo).
Prva stvar, ki sem jo opazila, je teža - embalaža je zelo lahka in ne stoji sama (za slike sem uporabila malo lepljive uhu paste). To je problem, ker da celotnemu izdelku cenen občutek. In ta izdelek definitivno ni ne poceni in ne cenen, ker stane skoraj 8€. Dobila sem balzam, ki nima barve, ima pa vonj po jagodah. Balzam je precej hranilen, ni pa dovolj vlažilen za moje ustnice. Prva dva tedna je bilo OK, potem pa sem po nanosu imela občitek, da ni dovolj vlažilen. Kar je škoda, ker sem si res želela, da bi deloval zame.
And finally - A Dry Shampoo I was really looking forward using it. During Summer days I'm extremely lazy and I don't feel like washing my hair all that much. I wanted to see if this dry shampoo is any better than the Balea one I had (it is). Since the days just got colder and I got sick, I didn't wash my hair for the past four days. Combine that with a fever and lying in bed and my hair is what it is. It's disgusting, I know. But I still had to pick the kid up from kindergarten. And I just couldn't walk around with such dirty hair (A pony tail doesn't help a lot lol).
So, first I took a picture of my dirty tangled hair. It's what it looks like when I don't do a thing about it. Lots of curls, but in all the wrong places. I then brushed it out to expose the eww factor.
Then I sprayed it with the dry shampoo. Waited about 10 minutes and "dried" it with a towel. Ole! Done. Let me say that I was using this dry shampoo two days in a row, so the effect may not be all that great :D.
I noticed that this Dry shampoo doesn't leave any white residue or particles. It's great! Also it smells delicious, like freshly washed hair. Sometimes I catch myself sniffing around, thinking "What is this lovely smell?" until I realized it's my dirty hair. Haha. I totally recommend this product and if I die, they will have to pry it from my dead, cold hands.
In končno! Suhi Šampon, ki sem se ga res veselila. Med poletnimi dnevi sem pošteno lena in se mi velikokrat ne da prati glave. Želela sem videti ali je ta suhi šampon kaj boljši od Baleinega (je!). Balein suhi šampon te pusti v dimu belega prahu, čez katerega ne moreš dihati. Na srečo tukaj tega ni. Ker so dnevi postali hladnejši in ker sem itak, da zbolela, si nisem prala glave zadnje štiri dni. Če dodamo v to mešanico še vročino in ležanje v postelji, potem lahko vidimo zakaj so moji lasje kar so. Ogabno, a ne? Ampak še vseeno sem morala dnevno po malega v vrtec in po tolikih dneh, tudi čop ne pomaga več. To, da bi hodila okoli z umazanimi lasmi pač ne gre. Bljak.
Na prvi sliki so moji lasje v "naravni" skuštrani in zapentljani obliki. Od blizu mogoče izgledajo super kodri, ampak v bistvu so bili praktično "all over the place" in nič kaj ugledni.
Na drugi sliki sem si jih razčesala, da se lepše vidi kako zelo umazani so moji lasje. No, lasišče.
Potem sem vzela Suhi Šampon in si pošteno pošpricala po celotnem lasišču. Pustila sem nekje 10 minut, mogoče manj. Verjetno manj.
Na koncu sem vzela še brisačo in si "osušila" lase. Končano!
Končni rezultat je definitivno boljši kot začetni. Ampak ker sem včeraj ponovila vajo, ni tako zelo WOW efekta, kot je bil včeraj. Ampak s tem lahko živim.
Opazila sem, da ta suhi šampon ne pušča belih sledi. Nikjer. Kar me zelo veseli. Nič več brisanja čudnih belih delcev iz lasišča! Aja in ne pušča za sabo dima, v katerem ne moreš dihati še dobrih 5 minut.Tudi diši fenomenalno. Kot sveže oprani lasje. Včasih se ujamem, ko ugotavljam kaj tako lepo diši. Ja nič, samo moji umazani lasje, ki so bili "sveže oprani, not".
Tako da dejansko zelo priporočam ta izdelek. Sploh ker, če kmalu umrem, bodo morali povleči stekleničko iz mojih mrzlih, mrtvih rok. Moje!
This product was sent to me by the company itself or its PR. For more information please do read my Disclosure Policy. My opinion is always honest.
