This post is very picture heavy, so beware if your net runs slow.
I was one of the lucky bloggers who got invited to the store Ikona in central Ljubljana for a Kardashian & The New Black event, back in July.
I must say that I was really excited about The New Black nail polish line. I checked them out online and they have some creative ideas regarding nail polish packaging.
I met with a blogger, Aleksandra in front of the store. We went on a quick "coffee" and then off we went to meet with the other bloggers.
Everyone was looking fabulous! You go girls!!
We were greeted by the nice employees of the store and we could have a seat once the event began (20 mins?).
In our seats, there were mini gifts waiting for us (I didn't take a picture, sorry!) which included three cute bracelets (Swarovski beads?), a nail polish from The New Black, some green tea candy, and some tea. All was nicely wrapped in a flower shaped cloth bag.
Then we heard the presentation of the two brands which was pretty on point and short.
It didn't last long, but after it, we could test and swatch the products on display (not the polishes, we could get a manicure by them tho!).
The New Black has wonderful packages when it comes to practicality. But the price is pretty "posh".
I loved loved loved this package, I saw it online and fell in love with it. But 30€ for nail polish? Hm.. maybe later. :(
The Kardashian line. I must admit that I don't watch their show. I hardly watch TV. And I heard about their make up the line just a day or so before because their PR contacted me. But it looked pretty good up close.
I even swatched these, because they looked to be pigmented and I was curious. And I also thought that someone may find it useful.
The Kardashian's beauty line is pretty expensive (11-50€ per piece), but I found really intriguing the fact that they sell these small sizes "try me" kits. They are for more than one use, and it is wonderful to be able to try a product before buying the full size. Also, the try me kits are priced way better than everything else (I think they were like 18-20€?).
Only when I was editing this photo I noticed that some polishes look very interesting.
We had a small bite of Lucifer's chocolate (funny name, right?) which tasted deviously good.
I tried their chocolate back in December and they do make good chocolate. No complaints from me ;).
The event was short, and I was a bit disappointed that is was as short as it was. But we learned about a new brand and had a lovely time.
After the event, I went with Aleksandra to this new place called The Wok. It looked interesting from outside and we decided to try it out. It was delicious and it was my first time seeing this kind of packaging in my country. Yum!
To many more events, right? ;)
They make me happy and with all the extracurricular food, even fatter. ;P