Hi dear readers,
I wanted to share a bit of 'me' with you all, that's why this 35 personal questions tag.
- Do you have a middle name? Nope, it's not a custom here to give your children more than just one name.
- What was your favourite subject in school? History. We had a nice teacher, well all of the history teachers were really nice. Funny enough :)
- What’s your favourite drink? Green tea with pina colada flavour (coconut and pineapple pieces in it), with a tad of honey and milk. Yum!
- Favourite song at the moment? I really can't remember the title, but it probably is a country song. Goes right from the ear to the heart. See, I am a really boring person deep inside :P.
- What would you name your children? I already have a tiny little boy, named Michael. If we will have more children, I am sure we can find an interesting name for them too (but nothing crazy).
- Do you participate in any sports? Walking the dog counts? I really want to start dancing again and maybe go into Wing Chung again, but for not there's no founds for that.
- Favourite Book? Harry Potter series. I grew up with them.
- Favourite Colour? Currently it is lilac and turqoise.
- Favourite Animal? I like all animals, but now I could only remember the red panda. So red panda it is. :)
- Favourite perfume? I switch between them depending on my mood. Today I feel a bit vanilla based :P.
- Favourite holiday? Christmas. Great time to have with the family, and also gifts.
- Have you been out of the Country? Only when I was really small and regularly to Italy.
- Do you speak any other Languages? Yes. Slovenian and Italian. Trying to learn Japanese too. Haha.
- Do you have any siblings? Yes. Three of them ;).
- What’s your favourite store? DM and Muller. I love cosmetics if you haven't noticed before :P. Also I am a huge fan of online shopping.
- Favourite Restaurant? Chinese and Japanese cuisine. So The running sushi and wok is the obvious choice. Or if I feel fancy enough, the sea side restaurant at the Marine (haven't been there in years!).
- Did you like school? No. I was an awkward kid.
- Favourite YouTubers? I haven't watched them in a while.. so IDK.
- Favourite Movie? They change as they come out. :) Currently it's the Hunger games series.
- Favourite Tv show? Not really sure, I don't have the time to watch tv. :(
- Pc or Mac? PC
- What phone do you have? Huawei Ascend
- How tall are you? 170cm
- What do you order at Starbucks? We don't have one here, but I'd love me some creamy coconut coffee.
- One thing in your closet you cannot live without? I'd suppose pants. :P I am sadly not very picky when it comes to clothes. I try to be practical.
- What’s one thing most people probably don’t know about you? I had a blast while learning martial arts for one year. Then I had to drop out of it :/.
- Name one thing you want to do before you die… Travel to Japan, South Korea and the USA.
- What’s one food you cannot live without? Bread. Simple as it is, it's a staple in my kitchen.
- What quote/phrase do you live by? "Listen to your instincts."
- What’s your most listened to song on itunes? I don't have itunes.. I actually listen to songs on Youtube. It must the the "Wrecking ball" song, it's is amazing for listening to while cleaning or doing chores.
- What kind of style would you define yourself as having? Practical, and when I can I go somehow for the 'chic' style.
- Favourite number? 6
- Two Hobbies? Photography, blogging
- Two Pet Peeves? I apply waaaay too much blush and I wear thick draw-on eyebrows.
- Guilty Pleasures? Chocolate and ice cream. Definitely.
I tag whoever wants to do this tag. It was fun to do ^^!