Hey lovelies!
These posts won't happening weekly, but here and there whenever I get to watch/read something new (well enough of these things, not just one).
Since I was baby-free for a couple of days, I had the time to watch three movies. YES, three! It's incredible, haha.
The first was "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" and I loved it. It was damn hilarious and I would reccomend it to any family (or anyone that loves animated movies - I most certainly do!)
What a fun movie! :D
The second one was "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2". What you thought I could skip the second part? :D Nah! It was fun, yes. But more than fun it was cute and heartmelting. Really. It was good, but I liked the first one more.
All the cute food, awwww....
The third movie was... The hunger games. The first part. I never understood why it was such a hit, since I never saw it.. But now that I have seen it, wow I do get it! Jennifer Lawrence was one of my fav. actress even before watching the movie (she is really fun, bahahaa), but damn is she a great actress. I could feel the pain, the emotions ... D: Anyway, I really enjoyed it. It is fcked up, like seriously. I still need to read the books, so I'll know what comes next.
Great movie, wicked theme.
What about youtube fun?
JennaMarbles is fun (if you don't watch like 6 of her videos all together).
I thought it was hilarious when she talked what each nail color means.
I haven't listened to any music this week, so I'll leave it for another time. But I did watch some kids show.. o.O Do you know Pepa Pig? Well I do. And Bumba. That one is hilarious and my kid loves it. Luckily it is just 5 minutes and then that's it. I can't get the bumba song out of my head....
Of course the ducks song is still actual, in all the versions I can get it. The dance ducks, english ducks, etc.. Kid is picky and wants the original version most of the time.
Oh, and if you don't want to read any of this anymore.. here's a nice eye candy of my current favorite male actor - Tom Hiddleston.
Thank you for reading, hopefully by next time I will read a damn book and listen to some music, right? ;)