Clothes Wish list 2010

Today I realized I should make a clothes wish list also..  :)

The pictures are just for a better idea, I had absolutely NO IDEA that those clothes cost an eye.

Here it goes:

1. White Poncho / Fashionable Poncho (H&M has one that's affordable)  The H&M one is terrible. Thin, shitty material.. no thank you.
2. Pretty Sweaters in Gray/White/Black
3. EarMuffs (NOT FUR!), the cuter they are, the better it is. I saw the gray/pink ones in Accessorize (25€) and I loved the ones with a blue heart on the sides.
4. Cute/Fashionable winter hats (I prefer the ones with EARS!)
5. Titanium navel piercing (6mm lenght, 1.6mm thickness 5/8 balls or 10mm lenght with 4/4 balls) (great site is, or or

Damn these things are so cute that I want them all xD. Especially the cute black cat hat lol!

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