Ins and outs of the week!

If you do not want to read random and personal stuff (completely cosmetics unrelated!) then please skip this post.

I feel so bad because I haven't posted for a while (more than 1-2 days of pause for me is A LOT), since my life has been more or less hectic since Pablo walked in my life.

I still need to take some pictures of him, because I promised to so many people and because I do want to have LOTS of pictures of him! :)
The poor thing is afraid of so many things, he's afraid of getting hurt and us leaving him... My heart breaks at the thought we would let him go. NO WAY! He's a family member now. 

He still needs to get used to us all, especially because we've been driving him from my home and my bf's home (he loves our company!).  But this way he'll be used to both places :). 

Anyway, ins and outs!

+Pablo, he's the sunshine!
+I get to move a loot more now!
+Doing a manicure yesterday... yay!
+Essential Care Rose cream has been working really well for me.
+Pablo is getting a custom handmade collar! :P
+Getting a new life meaning. 
+Losing weight because being a nerve wreck! 
+Not eating sugar.
+Not being obsessed with stuff to buy (cosmetics).

-Getting used to a changed lifestyle, it's a bit stressful and it makes me a bit anxious from time to time.
-Had clear nail polish on for more than a week (until yesterday)
-Not getting enough sleep...  Because of us going to sleep after midnight and Pablo waking us up at 7am.
-Needing to do a couple of reviews, because I'm really late on them.
-Waiting for the paycheck. 
-Sticking to rules and following them (when dog training). Sometimes it's so hard especially if you're a softy at heart.
-Probably being boring with all the 'Pablo' stuff. But what can I do :)?
-Realizing that having tons of makeup and nail polishes doesn't make me happier. 

Wow, this sounds depressing! But honestly, the positive stuff is better than the negative stuff!
I hope I'll soon manage to write a positive and all nice post.. :P After all... I like writing positive stuff! But downs come in life too...  luckily they last a day or so :)!

Guys, I can't wait to show you more pictures of Pablo! Well if you want to, of course.


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