Cupcakes and Cherries

Alright, not exactly but yes.. :)

Yesterday I was so bored that I became crafty. I took some fimo clay and started creating food charms. They look a bit sloppy, but hey I'm a newbie! ;D


They kinda look funny, my dear asked me 'are those mushrooms', lol. I don't blame him tho.


One of the easiest things to make. But mine still didn't came out as pretty as it could!

Sweets (okay chocolate/bubble gum and a pink donut thing)


I think it could look better and less futuristic if the filling was white. Oh well :).

I need to get more Fimo Clay and Liquid Fimo, because when I tried mixing my Fimo clay with Vaseline (I've read that somewhere) and making a whipped cream like topping, well after a close meeting with the oven, everything MELTED!
So yes, liquid clay here I go..

Oh and be read to see more of small food charms coming, I've ordered a 'recipe book' for them ;)


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