I was asked how do I apply my cream blush.
So I decided to make a small tutorial...
It's my first one, so bare with me..

1. Start with skin with foundation. Or if you don't use one, just bare skin.
2. Take your cream blush.
3. TAP it on your skin, in the shape above, do it while you are smiling, so you see the cheek bone better.
4. SMUDGE gently in a circular motion. This way you won't lose any foundation and you'll get the perfect blush apply.
5. (optional) if you applied too much blush, tap some powder into the blushed area.
Now you're done.
So I decided to make a small tutorial...
It's my first one, so bare with me..

1. Start with skin with foundation. Or if you don't use one, just bare skin.
2. Take your cream blush.
3. TAP it on your skin, in the shape above, do it while you are smiling, so you see the cheek bone better.
4. SMUDGE gently in a circular motion. This way you won't lose any foundation and you'll get the perfect blush apply.
5. (optional) if you applied too much blush, tap some powder into the blushed area.
Now you're done.