- *A magazine about hair (I think I'm starting to develop some obsession here) -3€
- *Labello SPF 25 - 3€+
- *Lactacyd Femina 3€+
- *Luna hand soap (I honestly love this brand!) - maybe 2€
- *Raid Anti-mosquito thing - no idea
- *Autan anti-mosquito Gel - no idea
- *Autan anti-mosquito Spray (I hate hate mosquitoes!) - no idea
- *Jewelery box - 7€
- *Quite big fake leather hair bow (it's so cute, I had to wear it right away!) - 3,50€
- *Three hair straps (dark blue) - 3,90€
- *Strap shoe - 6€
- *Strap shoe with some metal parts - 13€
Mixed Haul
cheap buy,
hair bow,
hair strap,
jewelery box,
strap shoes
Hello everyone!
Today it was super hot! And because of that I wanted to prove myself, that I can put my make up (complete!) even if I'm melting..
Well I did it, but then I had to turn on my 'portable' air conditioner.. Uf, man it was too hot!
I went with my dear to Nova Gorica, where we went to Qlandia. I love love shopping! But I said I only need a pair of summer strap shoes and a hair band.
But I ended with these:
They're not all from the same store...
So I got: